2022 Schedule

April 24
May 22
June 26
July 24
August 28
September 25
October 23

Registration 0830 - 0930
Shooting starts at 1000

Club members - $20
Nonmembers - $25

Special 2 Gun
May 29
July 31
October 30

Steel Challenge
April 9
May 14
June 11
July 9
August 13
September 10
October 8
November 12

Canadian Visitors Must Print

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October’s Rogue 40s Match

As it is a usual tradition at WCRH, the October match will be a higher than usual round count.  The Rogue 40s will be eight (8) stages that are 40 rounds each and a possible classifier for a minimum round count of 320.  (we suggest you bring more than 320)  For those that shoot single stack, production, or limited 10; bring a lot a mags.  We will be holding competitors to the USPSA equipment guidelines for placement and capacity.  A number of 9 mm production shooters with fewer than 6 mags may wish to register as Limited – Minor and load those mags full.  Sorry single stack and revolver, there isn’t much options for you.

Set up for this match will be Saturday at 1400 hrs (2 PM).  For WCRH members, this may be the last chance to get you work hours in for the year.

Registration for the match is Sunday morning from 0830 – 0930.  Registration closes at 0930 so be on time or even early if you want to squad with your friends.  Cost is $20 for WCRH members and $25 for non-members.


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