Welcome to Spring 2014
The past winter was not kind to Wayne County Raccoon Hunters. Yet, things are moving forward for a safe & fun practical shooting experience. The heavy snow caused the roof of the trailer to collapse. Luckily, no one was hurt. The thick ice and snow layers were still covering large sections of the ground a few weeks ago when members of the club spent the day cleaning, organizing the storage area, repairing steel, and building more walls.
April 27, 2014 Match: 8 stages – 206 rounds – $25
The first IPSC66 USPSA match is scheduled (as usual) for the fourth Sunday in April. The April 27 match will be composed of 8 stages including a new USPSA approved classifier. Approximately 206 rounds will be required to complete all courses of fire so plan accordingly. As the trailer is not usable, registration for this match will be in the clubhouse from 0830 – 0930. Shooters will need to provide their name & USPSA number, declare their division & power factor, and be entered into the electronic scoring system to squad. If you want to squad with your friends, be sure to arrive early as it is first come first squaded. The price has not changed since last year. The fee is $25 for non-members and $20 for WCRH members. We will be using the new 2014 USPSA handgun rules. Canadians will need to print a copy of the 2014 Invitation Letter and have all the required paperwork up to date.
Reminder: WCRH is a cold range! Handling of guns is allowed only at designated safe areas or under the supervision of a range officer. A CPL load/unload area is available outside of the gated pistol bays; use it! Anyone handling a gun elsewhere on WCRH property (loaded or not) will result in a DQ for the match (10.5.1).
A USPSA membership is not required to participate in level I (local) matches but makes getting scores and other match related updates easier. It only takes a few minutes to join USPSA online. Becoming a member allows for your scores to count toward classification and is required for participation in level II or higher events like the Michigan Sectional and Indiana Championship that many WCRH shooters attend.
Set up on Saturday, April 26th at 1400 (2:00 PM)
Wayne County Raccoon Hunter members are encouraged to attend set up on Saturday afternoon. The more people that help, the quicker things get done. Hours count toward your annual required for continued membership and helping set up is a great way to learn the finer points of stage design & management.
Free Thursday night practice resumes May 1
Come out and joint the gang on Thursday evenings to learn IPSC style shooting. Coming to a match with no experience is not encouraged. Thursday practice allows new shooters to learn the USPSA official range commands and safe gun handling. Experienced shooters share their knowledge by setting up a course designed to hone one or more vital practical shooting skills.