2022 Schedule

April 24
May 22
June 26
July 24
August 28
September 25
October 23

Registration 0830 - 0930
Shooting starts at 1000

Club members - $20
Nonmembers - $25

Special 2 Gun
May 29
July 31
October 30

Steel Challenge
April 9
May 14
June 11
July 9
August 13
September 10
October 8
November 12

Canadian Visitors Must Print

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Posts Tagged ‘Local Match’

2022 Schedule & Invitation Letter

The 2022 schedule for USPSA, Steel Challenge, and Two-Gun matches has been updated.

The 2022 Invitation Letter for our Canadian competitors has also been updated.  You can open it and print for your boarder crossing from this link:  http://ipsc66.org/2022-wcrh-ltrhd-foreign-invite-2022/

Wick Road is STILL under construction and is the road you need to get to the club! So you are limited to using it from Cogswell headed towards Wayne Rd. Take I-275 to Ecorse (EAST), you will go all the way to Cogswell and turn Right (South) and head to Wick where you will turn Left (It says one way but you can go that way to access the club). To leave you will need to turn Right on Wick which will take you Cogswell. From there you can turn Right on Cogswell and Left on Ecorse and head to I-275, or turn Left on Cogswell and meander around a few roads to get to I-94 (Use your mapping software!)

We hope that everyone has a fun and safe shooting season!

WCRH’s 2018 Berm Racer Match

This USPSA Level I match will be held June 22-24, 2018 at the Wayne County Raccoon Hunters in Romulus, Michigan.

Each competitor will shoot 12 stages plus chrono on either Saturday or Sunday.  This is a full day of shooting that will require at least 300 rounds.  (no half day options)

random-draw prizes including 50 pistols

division winner plaques,

catered lunch

dedicated stage ROs

Space is limited to only 250 competitors

Click here to download the registration form and mail your $200 payment to Roy.  Only a few slots remain so register yours here and send your payment in ASAP to squad.

Sponsors are showing their commitment to our sport and generosity; supporting IPSC66’s Second Berm Racer Match.  Be sure to visit our match sponsors to show them our commitment as well.  We wouldn’t have such an amazing prize table without these company’s support:

Akai Custom Guns

Armor Express


Infinity Firearms

Jager Products

Leapers, Inc


Mo’s A1 Service


ShockBottle, LLC

Sig Sauer

Spencer Race Guns

Springfield Armory

Weapon Shield

The Flight Club


June 2017 Match Pictures

It’s been a while since we’ve had the opportunity to post pictures from a match.  Thanks to Paul S for taking the pics and giving them to us to share

IPSC66 June 2017 Match photos

June 2017 Update

Last month was our annual Special Classifier match and the first official match that utilized our newly finished bays.  A lot of people complained about putting classifiers in such a large open space but don’t worry, this month’s match on June 25th will utilize the space.

Our matches are always the fourth Sunday of the month unless of special circumstance and the email for for registration goes out the preceding Monday.  If you have not been getting updates of our matches you should:

This month we’re back to the standard – 9 field courses requiring 24-32 rounds each and an anticipated round count of 245.  We will be using the new bays so anticipate some long shots in addition to the usual steel and movers.  Because we have a number of new shooters joining us this season we’ll translate that last bit for you – bring more than 245 rounds of ammo, you’ll need it.  If you bring 350-400 rounds you should be okay barring excessive misses or reshoots.


The Wayne County Raccoon Hunters Club (IPSC66) is hosting a USPSA level I RO clas July 29 – 30.  The class costs $40 (US) and is open to any current USPSA members.  The RO class is a great way to learn the rules and get comfortable with the range commands.  Contact Roy Neal if you’re interested in attending.

We have free practice on Thursday evenings from 5:30 – 8 p.m.  You don’t have to be a USPSA or WCRH member to join our practice sessions.  Eye and hearing protection is required!  We are happy to host new shooters looking to join in the excitement and fun that USPSA has to offer but safety is our first concern so if you’re not familiar with USPSA we strongly suggest coming to practice before attending a match.  (We hate sending people home for avoidable safety infractions but will)  It is also the best way to learn about the right gear needed to participate in each division – a very valuable lesson!




Starting with the June 26, 2016 match, online registration and squadding is required. The Monday or Tuesday prior to the match, registration will open and you can register and squad. You still need to check in at the range building to pay and verify your info.

Registration and squadding will be done through the Practiscore website. The link will be posted in the Brian Enos forums, Practiscore website, our facebook page, and a bulk e-mail will go out via our NEW Google Group! If you would like to be added to the Google Group please request it. The group is IPSC66.WCRHC.

Please be respectful, if you actually register for the match PLEASE show up. If you do not show up you will be required to pay those match fees before you can shoot another match. Cancellations are allowed but please leave us time to notify the wait-list shooters.