2022 Schedule

April 24
May 22
June 26
July 24
August 28
September 25
October 23

Registration 0830 - 0930
Shooting starts at 1000

Club members - $20
Nonmembers - $25

Special 2 Gun
May 29
July 31
October 30

Steel Challenge
April 9
May 14
June 11
July 9
August 13
September 10
October 8
November 12

Canadian Visitors Must Print

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Contact Information

USPSA matches are held the fourth Sunday of each month from April to October at the Wayne County Raccoon Hunters. (Get Directions Here) Registration is from 0830 – 0930. Match fee is $20 for WCRH members and $25 for nonmembers. Information about matches is normally posted on the Brian Enos Forums by Roy Neal or Brian K (Too_Slow). Based on 2013 numbers, expect 60 – 80 shooters at each match.

The IPSC group normally practices on Thursday evenings from 1730 – 2000. New shooters are welcome to attend. There is no fee for practice.

If you would like more information about the IPSC/USPSA shooting at Wayne County Raccoon Hunter you should contact Bob Walzer.

Bob Walzer:
phone: 734-516-1667
email: bobwalzer45@gmail.com